Financial Coaching

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Learn To Build The Financial Future Youโ€™ve Always Dreamed Of

Are You Struggling With Debt?

Most people live with poor financial management, but you really donโ€™t have to anymore.
We will teach you how to manage your finances the smart way so you can reach a place of genuine financial freedom.
A Xcellerate Wealth is a financial coaching business backed by in excess of 100 combined years of mortgage broking accounting, financial planning and property qualified experts.

How It Works with Our Simple 6 Step Program

Thatโ€™s all it takes to put steps in place to secure your future, reduce your debt faster than you thought humanly possible, and build you a portfolio of wealth to give you confidence and security.

Step 1 – If you keep doing what you have always done, you will keep dealing with the same financial issues you always have

What is your Why/Reason that you deserve/want to achieve financial freedom?

Be crystal clear on what your life will be like if you don’t change what you are currently doing.

Set the Goals to need to achieve financially; and over what time period.

Step 2 – Clean Up Time!

Review your current financial situation, and how you can clean up what is currently going on for you.

Before you can build wealth & passive income, you need a strong foundation to begin with. So let’s clean up where needed and start on a strong foundation.

Step 3 – Design YOUR Life

How much passive income do you need coming in once you have no debt?

What does your new life look like?

Let’s design that life that you are destined for.

Step 4 – Put this new life into a plan on paper

This part is the most important!

Until you know ‘What’ your life plan looks like financially, you can’t create it in reality.

Step 5 – Implementing the Steps in your new plan
You don’t know what you don’t know …

Where do you start?

What do you do first?

Let us help you to know exactly what you do first, followed by the next steps.

Step 6 – Review and Checklist

Each of the first 5 Steps has tasks & checklists and all must be completed to build your strong foundation to create your financial future. This is where we review each of them and ensure you haven’t missed any steps.

Ongoing accountability. A coach is there to keep you accountable. For less than a cup of coffee per day, this is vital to keep you on track to achieve the goals you must achieve.

Remember … You deserve this life you have created into your reality!

What is next for you? We discuss and plan what your next steps moving forward will be.